I would like to personally thank the artist of this!
It's so cute!! ^o_o^
This is so Awsume! I love the kimonos!
Well, he looks Pist off. OO
I ussually don't like yaio but this is just so cute!
I love Ryou's Face! He looks annoyed.
This pic is pretty cool. I'm just worried about what
Yami's gonna do with that knife and why he's staring at me like that. OO Oh god! *runns with Bakura close behind*
Take my hand?
Change of heart. I love these type of pics!
Stay away from my Ryou!!! If your not agreeing with me
and you like Yami, GO AWAY! We shroon you!!
I like this artist style! He looks awsume. Looks like
it's yami though.
Really cool! Looks like the artist couldn't get the right
eye right. Oh well, still looks good!
Adorable! Just plain Cute!
Another Change of Heart type picture. I love those!
I'll update soon!